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Sunday 21st April 2024. If this date means a lot to you, it probably means you are one of the lucky people who got a place in the ballot or you have been working your butt off training for the marathon alongside fundraising for a brilliant charity. Whichever one is you, congratulations your marathon goal is only now a few weeks ahead!

Marathon training is hard on your body and without the proper recovery plan you can end up with those awkward running niggles.

If you are looking to improve your training and stay as injury free as possible then Pilates and corrective exercise is a good place to start. Sometimes the best training isnโ€™t another medium run, it is 30 minutes working on the mobility of your joints, the flexibility of your muscles and the strength in your core to help improve your running efficiency, so the next time you do go for a run you stride is more effective and your alignment correct to reduce the possibility of injury and you work towards your goal.

So why are Pilates and corrective exercise so beneficial to your training?

1. Core Strength: The Pillar of Marathon Success

Without a strong core your running economy is compromised, especially over marathon distances. The reason for this is simple, your arms and legs need a stable base off which to work and if your core does not give your arms and legs the support they need as you stride it is likely that your alignment will be compromised leading to less efficient running economy and a higher risk of injury due to bad alignment.

2. Injury Prevention: Pilates as the Marathon Runner’s Shield

Running 26.2 miles is no small feat, and the risk of injuries looms large. Pilates and corrective exercise techniques become the marathon runner’s shield, addressing muscle imbalances, promoting mobility and flexibility, and preventing common running injuries. Explore the specific Pilates routines that target key muscle groups, ensuring your body is resilient and prepared to handle the rigorous demands of marathon training.

3. Mindful Training: The Mental Edge in Marathon Preparation

Running a marathon is not just a physical challengeโ€”it’s a mental game. Pilates introduces a dimension of mindfulness to your training, fostering a deeper connection between your breathing and body. Discover how the principles of breath control and mindful movement in Pilates can enhance your mental resilience, enabling you to navigate the mental hurdles of long-distance running with focus and determination.

4. Post-Run Recovery: Pilates for Restoration and Regeneration

You did it! You ran 26.2 miles, have your medal and your memories. What happens next? Your body will be in a state of shock, especially if you have just run your first marathon. A proper cool down and stretch routine is crucial for your bodies recovery. In my eight-week course for runners you shall learn some great stretches and massage techniques to help your tired muscles cool down and recover quicker.

5. Enhancing Running Efficiency: Pilates Beyond the Mat

Pilates is not confined to the mat; its principles extend beyond, influencing your running mechanics. Delve into how Pilates can optimize your running efficiency, from stride length to foot placement, creating a more fluid and energy-efficient running style that can make a significant difference in your marathon performance.

Running a marathon is not merely a physical endeavor; it’s a holistic journey that demands strength, resilience, and mental fortitude. Pilates, with its emphasis on core strength, injury prevention, mindful training, and post-run recovery, becomes an indispensable companion in your marathon training. As you lace up your running shoes and face the challenge of 26.2 miles, let my Pilates for Runners course be your ally, propelling you towards the finish line with strength, grace, and the determination to conquer every step of the way. ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธโœจ

Sign up to my eight week course now and improve your marathon journey.


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