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Back In Balance

Revitalize Your Back: A Journey to Strength and Flexibility

Are you tired of living with back pain and ready to take control of your spinal health? Join my transformative “Back In Balance” four week course โ€“ Your path to a pain-free and empowered life!

My back care Pilates course is a great way of helping you ease your pain, improve your posture, mobility and strength.

Pilates works on building strength in your deep postural muscles, we focus on good postural alignment in all classes, the strength you build in your core protects your back muscles from over use and helps you create an all round stronger more supple body. When we stand or sit with a tall spine, we create space between the vertebral discs, relieving pressure. Pilates can teach you how to engage your deep postural muscles and gives you a better understanding of how your body works and moves so you can look after your back for a healthier lifestyle.


ยฃ15 per month, unlimited access during the month
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Align & Thrive: Your Guide to a Pain-Free Back

Revitalize Your Back: A Journey to Strength and Flexibility

Pilates can be an effective method for addressing and alleviating back pain. Here are several ways in which Pilates can contribute to back pain relief:

  1. Core Strengthening: Pilates places a strong emphasis on core muscles, including the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. Strengthening these muscles helps provide better support for the spine and reduces the strain on the lower back.
  2. Improved Posture: Pilates exercises often focus on alignment and body awareness, helping individuals develop better posture. By maintaining proper alignment, the spine is less likely to be subjected to unnecessary stress, reducing the risk of back pain.
  3. Flexibility and Range of Motion: Pilates incorporates a range of dynamic movements that promote flexibility in the muscles and joints. Increased flexibility can help alleviate stiffness and tension in the back, reducing the likelihood of experiencing pain.
  4. Balanced Muscle Development: Pilates exercises aim to create a balanced development of strength and flexibility in the body. This balanced approach helps prevent muscle imbalances that can contribute to back pain.
  5. Mind-Body Connection: Pilates emphasizes a mind-body connection, encouraging practitioners to be mindful of their movements and how they engage various muscle groups. This increased awareness can lead to better body mechanics and reduced strain on the back.
  6. Joint Stability: Pilates exercises often target stabilizing muscles around the joints, including the spine. Strengthening these supportive muscles enhances joint stability, reducing the risk of injury and promoting overall back health.