Most people know that having a good posture makes you taller and generally looks good. However, most people aren’t aware of the significant health issues that come from bad posture.
Having bad posture due to muscle imbalances can cause knee-tracking problems, achy hips, sore backs, and migraines. Muscle tension, which builds up due to standing incorrectly, letting your feet roll in, and working at a desk without breaks, can all lead to deviations in your posture and hamper your body’s natural movement patterns, causing pain.
Most common muscle imbalances can be corrected with a step-by-step process we call ‘corrective exercise.’ Corrective exercise is the simple process of first massaging the muscles that are tight and out of alignment, then using specific stretches to help tight muscles release, and then finally building back the strength in weak and inactive muscles.
Of course, there are some alignment deviations, such as scoliosis, which will not fully be corrected by correct exercise but by using the three-step process, people with such conditions can help their bodies function as best as they can.
Since training in corrective exercise, I have started putting Pilates and corrective exercises together as they make a great team!
Pilates places a strong emphasis on precision and control in movement. Each exercise is executed with mindful awareness, targeting specific muscle groups and promoting correct alignment. Through regular Pilates practice, people develop heightened body awareness, enabling them to identify and correct misalignments. This ability to understand where proper alignment is and how to get there is so key to improving your health and well-being.

Learning how to engage deep postural muscles that support the spine promotes strength throughout your whole body. Think of your spine like the trunk of a tree; you need a solid trunk to support the weight of the branches (or arms, head, and legs if you are human)!
A strong core helps you to maintain an upright posture, pulling your pelvis underneath you and your shoulders back. By using the back muscles properly, you lessen the chance of suffering from back pain or injury.

If you would like to learn more about how I use corrective exercise and Pilates together to help you stay pain-free and improve your performance, come and try my Pilates classes either face-to-face in Emsworth, Southbourne, or Fishbourne, and also online via various courses and my Online Studio Live membership.