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Over the last two years I have been studying to be a corrective exercise specialist, it is a fascinating course and I cant wait to finish and start working in this area helping athletes and others return to good mobility after injury. At its core corrective exercise is about bringing the body back into alignment to banish musculoskeletal imbalance and improve performance in movement patterns.

I was just studying about myofascial release when I got the email to say would I like to try the new Bob and Brad massage gun! It seemed like great timing to try such a product, so I gladly accepted.

On first impressions the massage gun is compact and comes in a little case for easy transportation, this makes it easy for taking away with you. We are, currently as I write this post, in Scotland at the mountain bike world championships, and I brought the massage gun along.

It comes with various different heads for massaging different areas of the body and a handy guide on how long and which head to use for the corresponding part of the body you wish to massage. This I think is really important as I have had clients in the past who have overused their massage gun and then caused more pain, which is obviously the last thing they are trying to do. The fact that the Bob and Brad massage gun comes with a leaflet with exercise ideas and timings I think is really good.

Like I mentioned above the gun is very compact however this does not seem to affect the power, it has five power settings and has been easily powerful enough for massaging.

Learning about myofascial release has been fascinating and has helped me understand the value self-massage has to my bodyโ€™s ability to move correctly and therefore power optimally. My sport is cycling which is certainly one of those sports which creates musculoskeletal imbalances of which I know I have a few!

Foam rolling used to be something which was painful and unappreciated but know I understand that to stretch and strengthen my muscles correctly I need to first make them more pliable with myofascial release, releasing any tension in the soft tissue structures alleviates any pain and is the first step in moving correctly.

The Bob and Brad gun has been a great addition to foam rolling and I have opted for one day foam roll and the next to use the massage gun. This approach seems to be working well. I use the gun to help massage out a very tight IT band on my right leg and so far it seems to be working really well my body feels lighter and the intermittent hip pain I get has not happened since I started this strategy.

I have also used the gun on my quads, calves and glutes all areas where I can sometimes get tightness. The gun is quick and easy to use and I think combined with foam rolling helps my muscles recover and regenerate from training.

You can buy your gun here using my 10% off code BobBrad401
