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“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

Helen Keller

I found this quote whilst googling positivity quotes and thought it was wonderful from a positivity point of view and also from the view of having good posture.

I then did some digging on who Helen Keller was and found out she was a remarkable lady and wanted to share with you some of her story.

Helen Keller was an American educator, advocate for the blind and deaf and co-founder of the ACLU. Stricken by an illness at the age of 2, Keller was left blind and deaf. Beginning in 1887, Keller’s teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped her make tremendous progress with her ability to communicate, and Keller went on to college, graduating in 1904. During her lifetime, she received many honors in recognition of her accomplishments. Find out more about her here

Joseph Pilates would of liked this quote and in todays’ ‘tech neck’ society it is important to spend time working on your posture.

Pilates is an exercises class anyone can do, and it really can improve your quality of life.

Join my Pilates classes online today pay as you go and subscription based options available.

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. My Pilates classes focus around the seven key principles of Pilates, Breathing, Alignment, Stamina, Relaxation, Centering, Concentration and Flow.

Pilates focuses on the mind-body connection which we find through using the breath. While doing the various exercises your mind needs to be constantly aware of your breathing and the way your body moves.
