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Practicing Pilates at home can be a convenient and effective way to improve your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. I run a mixture of on demand and live Pilates classes which gives you flexibility to fit your workout in around work, childcare and other fun stuff. Here are some steps and tips to help you get started with Pilates at home:

Set up a Space:

Find a quiet and comfortable space in your home where you can lay down a mat or towel. This will be your workout area, if you are working from home make the most of this children being at school and try your workout during your lunchbreak for added energy in the afternoon.

Wear Comfortable Clothing:

Wear clothing that allows you to move freely, making sure you are in clothing that allows movement and also doesnโ€™t make you too hot is important. Pilates is typically done in bare feet or socks.


When practising Pilates at home, in my online studio you will find there is a 10 minute exercise playlist for warming up or alternative all of the 30 minute and 60 minute classes have in built warm up and cools downs, so just hit play and lets get started! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Follow a Video or Online Class:

My on demand studio offers a vast range of Pilates classes you can do from home so you can pick a workout that suits you. I have workouts for different abilities for example a beginners playlist and a FLOW playlist which is more challenging. I also have different duration of class from 10 minutes up to an hour so no matter the time you have there is a workout you can do.

Start with the Basics:

If you’re new to Pilates, it’s a good idea to start with the basics and gradually progress to more advanced exercises. This will help you build a solid foundation and avoid injury. How about trying my 21 day beginners Course?

Focus on Breathing: In Pilates we focus on deep and controlled breathing during exercises to engage your core muscles and enhance your mind-body connection. If you are new to Pilates donโ€™t worry if this feels likeย  a lot to remember as you progress you will find it becomes easier.

Proper Form: Pay attention to your form and alignment. Correct posture and technique are essential for getting the most out of Pilates. This is where live classes are really helpful as in Zoom classes I can give you feedback on your form and help you with any queries.

Progress Gradually: As you become more comfortable with Pilates, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Challenge yourself with more advanced exercises and routines.


Like any form of exercise, consistency is key. Try to establish a regular schedule for your Pilates workouts, whether it’s daily, several times a week, or weekly.

Listen to Your Body:

When practising Pilates at home be mindful of your body’s limits and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you’re a beginner. If you experience pain or discomfort during an exercise, stop and modify it as needed. You can also contact me if you have any queries.

Cool Down:

Finish your Pilates session with a cool-down routine, which may include gentle stretching to help reduce muscle soreness and promote flexibility.

Stay Hydrated:

Drink water before, during, and after your Pilates session to stay hydrated.

My classes can be adapted to suit your fitness level and goals, whether you’re looking for a gentle, rehabilitative workout or a more intense strengthening routine. Come and join my online studio and see what benefits Pilates can make to your day.
