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Can’t make it to the studio next week? No problem. My virtual Pilates classes offer low-impact workouts and specific exercises, that incorporate the use of the seven Pilates principles.

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. My Pilates classes focus around the seven key principles of Pilates, Breathing, Alignment, Stamina, Relaxation, Centering, Concentration and Flow.

Pilates focuses on the mind-body connection which we find through using the breath. While doing the various exercises your mind needs to be constantly aware of your breathing and the way your body moves.

Pilates is often perceived as ‘easy’ let me tell you it’s not and if you find it easy you may be doing it wrong, so please get in touch I’d love to help you improve your health and fitness through Pilates.

Pilates is a safe and effective form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates. Pilates aims to rebalance the body by improving:
> Posture
> Core stability
> Muscle tone and strength
> Flexibility

To join one of my online classes all you need to do is decide on the class you wish to join and buy a class pass by clicking this link and sending me the time of the Pilates class you wish to join.
