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This easy ‘grab and go’ breakfast alternative is nutritious and healthy, yet satisfyingly creamy and indulgent. The perfect breakfast to fuel your morning workout and leave you feeling full of energy for whatever the day will throw at you. Step aside cereal and toast… (It’s also great to grab after those super early Pilates sessions!).

Basic ingredients:

  • 3tbsp oats – I use jumbo oats as these absorb the milk better.
  • 1/2 -1tsp chia seeds 1tsp milled linseed or flaxseed
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger pinch of salt 125ml milk of choice – almond milk works really well!
  • 2 tsp maple syrup or honey

Basic oats:

Top with a dollop of yoghurt, peanut butter or honey and add some fruit and nuts.

Banana and Coconut oats:

1/2 banana
1tbsp of desiccated coconut

For an added boost add some chocolate spread!

Carrot cake oats:

2tbsp grated carrot
1tsp mixed spice
1tbsp raisins

Berry bakewell oats:

2tbsp frozen berries
1 large tbsp almond / nut butter
1/2 tbsp ground almonds


  1. Combine all base ingredients other than milk and maple syrup in a jar, glass or bowl and stir well until fully combined. If making any of the flavoured options, add the extra ingredients and give another stir.
  2. Add maple syrup and milk and stir through.
  3. Cover your oats and place in fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  4. Take out of fridge in morning or for a snack, top with your topping of choice and enjoy! Optional: Add a drizzle of maple syrup or honey if you want to add a bit more sweetness.

View Kate’s other recipes here
