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December Health and Fitness Challenge

I love Christmas, seeing loved ones, spending time with family playing board games, watching Christmas films, going for frosty walks where your nose turns Rudolph red coming home and having baileys hot chocolate mince pies and sausage rolls. Muddy mountain bike rides which end in giant slices of Christmas cake. Secret missions to eat all of the purple Quality Street before anyone else in the family realises, the feeling that it is totally fine to have chocolate as the base of every meal and two desserts after dinner.

All of this over indulging is not really good for us, but especially this year when Christmas comes with a face mask and a ban on hugs and kisses having a little bit of what you like is good for the soul.

Now, I am not about to say don’t over indulge, this would be daft and possibly difficult to achieve leading to feelings of guilt and that you can only eat celery in January, a terrifying thought and not good for your soul either!

So, if you are going to overindulge a little try and pair it with exercise and give yourself a free pass which comes with conditions.

To try and help you throughout December I have come up with different health and fitness challenges for each day until the 31st December. These are simple to do activities to help with your mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Some of these are exercise related challenges you can fit into your days to keep your blood pumping and your body moving, others are health related like alcohol free days and drinking more water. Some are more about keeping your brain healthy and not overloading yourself like creating meal plans, doing prep and spending time meditating to help you breeze through Christmas.

I hope you find this really useful if you would like me to email you the calendar please email me.

Will you join me tomorrow?
