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Whilst I am on maternity leave Kathryn will be running my Thursday evening Pilates class on zoom. Find out about Kathryn and her Pilates experience below.

I left my career as a semi professional sports therapist in football after studying Sports and Exercise Performance at university to pursue a career in sports lecturing. I taught college students sports subjects such as sports massage and sports performance.

I found a love for teaching but unfortunately was made redundant whilst on maternity after having my second daughter. I had no idea what to do with myself and on reading an article in a sports therapy magazine started to look into Pilates and the benefits it has in rehabilitation and in all elements of life. I fell in love and got qualified as quickly as possible.

I run classes from pre school age right up to 80s and just think life is better with Pilates in it. I work with 1:1 clients with conditions such as Parkinson’s and one of sessions with girl guides. I love the variety of people that can do Pilates and it just makes me happy teaching people to Stand Tall and Stay Strong ๐Ÿ™‚
