Home ยป Plyometric Jump Squat
- January 14, 2021
Plyometrics, also known as jump training or plyos, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). Plyometric jump squats will develop increased explosive power. Anyone who participates in activities that require a lot of sprinting, like football, running, or tennis, should be doing plyometric exercises. Numerous research studies have found that exercises like the squat jump improve sprint performance since both need that explosive power from the muscles.
Squat jumps build the muscle by stretching it before a forceful contraction and helps to generate power. This will also boost your cardio capacity.
How to:
- Stand tall with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward.
- Clasp hands in front of chest.
- Send hips back and bend knees to squat down as low as possible while keeping your chest lifted. Engage your core muscles.
- As you return to standing, explode back up as high as you can to jump using your arms to help with the momentum.
- Land softly. Maintain good posture and keep the motion controlled, landing softly after each jump.
- Repeat 5 to 15 jumps have 1 minute rest and repeat x 3
Below are a few things to watch out for as you perform this Pilates exercise:
- Keep your knee behind your toes
- Land softly