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Pilates for Swimmers

Swimmers are generally lucky, they don’t tend to suffer for severe injuries due to the fact that the water supports you so there is a lack of strain on muscles. However overuse and over training lead to most swimming related issues.

Pilates can help to reduce these issues and keep them at bay by strengthening up your deep postural muscles and improving your flexibility.

Masterclass in Pilates for swimmers

Pilates is a super workout for swimmers, whether you are just getting into swimming and want to build strength in your core, back and legs so you can swim for longer, or you are a seasoned swimmer. Pilates can help to correct muscle imbalance, improve performance and strengthen up your core muscles.

Some of the things Pilates will help with are:
Enhance muscle strength
Increase flexibility and coordination
Decrease muscle imbalance by improving your posture
Healthier bone density - through resistance based exercise
Improved power to weight ratio

When, Where and cost

Tuesday 30th March 17:30
Live via Zoom - once payment has been received you will be sent the private password protected link.
If you cannot make the live Pilates class time you can purchase the recording instead to watch in your own time.
£10 per person
No equipment required

How do I book?

To book your place please get in touch via the sign up now button below.

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