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My name is Hannah and I set up Beyond the Studio Pilates to share my passion for Pilates and fitness. I’ve been practicing Pilates for over 12 years and teaching as a Level 3 instructor for 3 years. I love being outdoors and I’m from a sporty family where both parents competed for team GB. I came to Pilates after a kitesurfing injury that put me on the sofa for 7 months, after which I was finally diagnosed with having annular tears in my inter-vertebral discs in my lumbar spine.

Pilates was my rehab back to my outdoor and energetic lifestyle. It also enabled me to get back on my mountain bike and pursue my other passion mountain biking. When I am not teaching Pilates I can usually be found on two wheels!

Whatever your background, age or fitness level Pilates is a suitable exercise program for nearly everybody.

Come and join my weekly online live sessions, cut out the drive time and focus on your health and wellbeing from the comfort of your own home. Online classes have many benefits, it’s a safe environment, you dont need to drive and park, no child care issues and you can workout in your PJ’s to name but a few!

Here is my live timetable for next week, but if these times don’t suit you, you can join my on-demand subscription service and workout anytime, anywhere.

So lets take your health and fitness to another level come and workout with me beyond the studio and get the results you want and deserve.

Buy a class pass for £5 here or join my online studio subscription here.
