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Until recently, the internet was always full of images of celebrity mums who seem to have bounced back to their pre-pregnancy selves within weeks of having their babies. However, more and more celebrities have finally admitted that it isn’t always that easy and helped portray a more realistic scenario of the first few months post-natal.

Whilst is it understandable that you will want to move out of your leggings and back into your pre pregnancy wardrobe and lifestyle. It is important to give your body time to recover from birth and build back up slowly.

Balance Is Everything

With a new baby in the house, even with the most supportive partner, finding the time to exercise and even eat right, particularly if you are breastfeeding and your body feels permanently hungry, can be really difficult. The thought of finding time to leave your newborn and attend an exercise class is probably not that high on your list either!

Online Pilates is a great option for new mums who are looking to start exercising but are struggling to find the time and the energy to get out of the house for an in-person class.

After my little girl was born in November 2021 I slowly built up from 10 minutes a day to 25/30 minutes by the time she was a month old. I found this time so valuable to not only my physical strength but mentally too just being able to focus on me for a short period of time made me feel like a better mum. It also helped me get back on my bike quickly because my body felt strong from practising my core and pelvic floor exercises consistently. All the classes in my online library were filmed whilst my little girl was a new born so it shows you that you can fit it in!

Post Natal Pilates – Online Classes

Why online classes?

When you sign up for in-person classes, you are committing to a set time each week. Children, particularly newborns, are a little unpredictable, and this may not be a realistic commitment that you can keep.

Online Pilates classes are a great alternative that can fit into your lifestyle whilst you adjust to all of the new demands on your time that a new baby brings. All you need is a room with floor space, a mat or towel to lay on and either a phone, laptop, I pad or TV that can play my exercise videos. You can do them whenever they fit into your routine, which makes life much easier. If you find yourself with a little extra time, you may also choose to add in a little extra session.

Need help getting started?

With my online post-natal Pilates classes, not only will you have access to a range of Pilates exercises that are perfect for helping you back to fitness after birth, but if you are struggling with any element of the exercises, I am on hand to help you. If you already have practiced Pilates, then the exercises can also be tailored to your level of expertise.

Come and join my online Post Natal Pilates program and lets get stronger together.
