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Which can help you prevent muscle strain, back pain, and other musculoskeletal issues. Additionally, maintaining good posture can improve breathing, digestion, and overall confidence, contributing to better physical and mental well-being.

Four point swimming is one of my favourite exercises for improving posture. It challenges your core, balance and builds strength in the muscles in the backside of your body which help you maintain a good upright position.

If you find opposite arm and leg too hard to start with then just do a single arm and leg instead for between 6 and 8 reps on each arm and leg before progression to alternate.

Join me on the mat, follow these steps:

1. Start in a four-point kneeling position with your knees hip-width apart and directly under your hips, and your hands shoulder-width apart and under your shoulders or slightly ahead. Place something under your knees and wrists for comfort if you need to.

2. Inhale to prepare then engage your core muscles by pulling your hip bones together and tummy in towards your spine, maintaining a flat back. If you feel like you are arching your back, pull your ribs towards your hips.

3. Extend one arm out in front of you while simultaneously lifting and extending the opposite leg behind you, keeping your body stable.

4. Return the extended arm and leg to the starting position, then repeat the movement with the opposite arm and leg

5. Continue alternating sides in a controlled, fluid motion, focusing on coordination and control of your entire body Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise and maintain proper form. This movement works your deep core muscles, strengthens your shoulders, legs, and back.

If you experience discomfort in your wrists or knees, consider using modifications such as gripping your hands into fists or using push-up bars for wrist support, or placing a small pad under your knees for cushioning.

I offer a variety of different courses and class that you can attend to help lengthen your hamstrings and strengthen your leg muscles but also your whole body!

Join my Pilates classes online today pay as you go and subscription based options available.

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