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Corrective exercise is a term used in the fitness and rehabilitation fields to describe exercises and interventions designed to address and correct specific movement patterns, muscular imbalances, and postural issues in the body.

The goal of corrective exercise is to improve functional movement, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical performance.

Key principles of corrective exercise include:

Assessment: Before prescribing corrective exercises, a thorough assessment is conducted to identify movement dysfunctions, imbalances, and limitations. This assessment may involve analysing posture, joint mobility, muscle flexibility, and movement patterns.

Individualization: Corrective exercises are tailored to the individual needs of the person based on their assessment results. The exercises are specific to address the identified issues and imbalances unique to each individual.

Progression: Corrective exercise programs typically progress in difficulty as the individual’s movement patterns and physical condition improve. This progression helps ensure continued adaptation and improvement.

Focus on Muscle Activation and Recruitment: Corrective exercises often target specific muscles that may be underactive (weak) or overactive (tight). The goal is to restore balance in muscle activation and recruitment patterns.

Integration: Corrective exercises are integrated into the individual’s overall fitness or rehabilitation program. This integration ensures that improvements in movement patterns translate to functional activities and everyday movements.

Come and try one of my face to face classes and see how I combine Pilates and myofascial release to benefit your entire body.

If you would like to book a corrective exercise appointment with me please get in touch.

Get in touch if you would like more information on how I can help you with corrective exercise programs.
