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Karen talks about her Pilates experience

I started doing Pilates with Hannah a few years ago now, beginning with a weekly face to face class . Primarily to help improve my cycling position and stamina and also strengthen my core after having 3children.

I was apprehensive but a quick email to Hannah soon reassured me, from the outset Hannah made me feel very welcome and created a relaxed environment for us to learn and practice. Hannah was very thorough in making sure we were in the correct position for each exercise, demonstrating first and then supporting me to change position if needed. She also provides differentiation to enable more or less able/confident to perform each Pilates exercise within their ability and also to provide challenge so we are working.

Fishbourne Pilates Flow Class

It didn’t take long for me to see/feel the difference in my flexibility and ability to carry out the exercises – probably about 6 weeks. I definitely felt I was in a better position on my bike as well as improving my posture generally. Hannah also ensures we know the benefits of each Pilates exercise and which muscle groups we’re working, which I find really helps me understand what I’m doing.

Moving classes online

During lockdown Hannah went ‘virtual’, providing classes on a daily basis, using zoom and Facebook. This enabled me to increase my attendance, which led to an even bigger improvement in my flexibility and especially in my core strength. This was vital as I was working at home and stuck in one position at my desk for most of the day. She also introduced specific exercises to improve neck strength and mobility responding to our needs due to working at home.

Zoom Pilates class

I have asthma and I have discovered that due to practicing Pilates breathing and controlling my breathing during exercises, my lung capacity has improved and therefore my asthma is better managed.

Finally, I cannot discount the positive impact that Hannah’s Pilates has on my mental health. During the time of the class I’m able to completely focus on myself and what I’m doing. I let go of the stresses of the working day. Again I’ve felt this benefit even more so during lockdown when social contact with others was minimal.

Join Hannah’s Pilates classes online today pay as you go and subscription based options available.
