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Self myofascial release and Pilates are both approaches to improving physical well-being and flexibility. They are distinct practices with different focuses and techniques. In my sessions I am now combining these two practises, so that I can enhance my clients wellbeing and recovery from injuries. Here’s an overview of each:

Myofascial Release:

Definition: Myofascial release is a manual therapy technique that focuses on the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs in the body. Fascia can become tight or restricted due to injury, overuse, or inactivity, leading to discomfort and reduced range of motion.

Technique: Myofascial release involves applying sustained pressure to specific areas of the body to release tension and improve mobility. We do this using various tools like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, or through the hands of a trained therapist.

Benefits: Myofascial release aims to alleviate pain, increase flexibility, and improve circulation. It is often used to treat conditions like muscle pain, tension, and restricted movement. Great for those who play a lot of sport or are very physically active, it helps to improvement muscle alignment and reduce tension on joints.


Definition: Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It focuses on strengthening the core muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall body awareness and control. Pilates exercises can be performed on a mat or specialized equipment like the reformer, Cadillac, or chair.

Technique: In my classes I teach controlled and precise movements, with an emphasis on breathing and alignment. I incorporate a variety of exercises that work the entire body, with an emphasis on the core (abdominal, back and pelvic floor) muscles.

Benefits: Pilates will improve your posture, flexibility, strength, and overall body awareness. It is often used for general fitness, rehabilitation, and injury prevention.

Relationship between Myofascial Release and Pilates:

Myofascial release can be a useful complement to Pilates. It can help address muscular and fascial restrictions that may limit your ability to get the most out of Pilates. I use myofascial release techniques at the start of my sessions to help you release tension and get ready for more demanding exercise.

For those with muscle imbalances or chronic tightness, myofascial release can help prepare the body for Pilates training, allowing for better movement and engagement of the core muscles during Pilates exercises.

Both myofascial release and Pilates can provide various health benefits, and I have found their combination can be particularly helpful for individuals seeking to address both mobility issues and improve their strength.

Come and try one of my face to face classes and see how I combine Pilates and myofascial release to benefit your entire body.

If you would like to book a corrective exercise appointment with me please get in touch.

Get in touch if you would like more information on how I can help you with corrective exercise programs.
