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Additionally, proper posture promotes better breathing and digestion, enhances core strength, and can even boost your confidence and mood.

Join me today for this simple exercise to help improve your posture, lets get swimming! Swimming is one of my favourite Pilates exercises because it promotes strength in the posterior chain, the muscles in the backside of your body, increases core strength and improves your balance, so for one exercise it is really packing in a lot of good stuff!

How to:

1. Start in a box position, knees under hips, wrists under shoulders. You can use a fist is this is easier on your wrist

2. Inhale to prepare

3. Exhale, engaging your core muscles by pulling your ribs to your hips and your hip bones together and tighten your pelvic floor

4. Reach out through the left arm and right leg

5. Watch out for hiking the hip up keep your pelvis in neutral

6. Once they are straight hold for an inhale

7. Exhale, engaging your core muscles by pulling your ribs to your hips and your hip bones together and tighten your pelvic floor

8. Move the arm and leg back to their starting location, when placing them back on the floor this should be light with no excessive movement

9. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each opposite arm and leg

This exercise is pregnancy safe but as you get into trimester three just do single arms and legs to prevent any falls.

If you enjoyed this come and join my BTS Live studio for live online Pilates classes plus loads of pre recorded workouts from 10 minute energy breaks to full 60 minute classes aimed at improving your health and wellbeing.

I am offering 10% off my online studio membership for the Summer, using this code: BTSLIVE10

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