For far too many years, the subject of pelvic floor issues has been seen as something of a taboo topic that people knew about but never really spoke about. It has taken some of the big names in the world of celebrity opening up about the pelvic floor issues that they have struggled with as a result of childbirth, age or, in some cases, other medical issues, to bring this subject out into the open properly.
Are Pelvic Floor Issues Common?
Research into pelvic floor issues has shown that between 20-80% of women experience leaking in a fitness setting and a staggering 50% of women struggle with some level of prolapse following a vaginal delivery. Around 69% of births in the UK are vaginal births (there were 694,685live births registered in 2021). It is hard to believe just how high these numbers are and even harder to believe in view of just how low the rates for pelvic health education are.
Leaking is not normal. Whilst our mothers and grandmothers might have been told that it was something that simply happened to women after childbirth or as they got older, we now know better. That’s why it is important to step away from this mindset and take control of our pelvic floor health in order to reduce or prevent leaking.
Did you know?
Humans breathe in and out around 22,000 times a day. This is the foundation of life. Building a house without a foundation simply isn’t possible; we all know what would happen if we tried. When you learn to connect properly with your breathing and coordinate how you breathe and move, not only will you take a step closer to abs that are stronger, and quite likely flatter, but you will also be working on relieving pressure on your pelvic floor and also your abdominal wall. This will help aid your recovery from a range of different issues that can be problematic to your pelvic floor. These include diastasis recti after child birth, prolapse and incontinence.

If you are struggling with issues related to your pelvic floor, you do not need to suffer in silence. You can do something about this, and there is more help available now than ever before. Pilates is the perfect exercise program to help kick start better pelvic floor health. We work to improve the way you breathe and move in unison, using the pelvic floor, diaphragm and core muscles to stabilise your body through movement.
Why not check out my range of online classes, from complete beginner’s to those tailored towards specific needs such as runners and cyclists? You may find you’ll quickly reap the benefits of a Pilates-strengthened pelvic floor.

Why not check out my classes to see how they could help you?