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Think of your core like the trunk of a tree, with a strong trunk the tree can grow bigger branches and support the weight of many more leaves, often resulting in a healthier tree.

Your core works the same way, in daily life as well as the gym and playing sport your core is working to stabilise the movements of your legs, arms and head. Whether you are playing with your kids, playing tennis, walking the dog, riding your first century or running a marathon your core is actively supporting the movement required for you to enjoy these activities.

To maintain a strong healthy core try this exercise. If you find using the arm and leg at the same time a challenge just move your legs for now and keep your arms on the floor.

How to:

• Lay on your back, with your legs bent, knees above hips

• Maintain a neutral spine with just a small gap under your lower back (you shouldn’t be able to get your hole hand underneath you or lift it up

• Arms in the air above shoulders

• Inhale to prepare

• Exhale and engage your core by drawing your ribs towards your hips and pulling your hips bones together (if you need help with core engagement please comment below and I shall send you a link)

• Slowly move the leg and arm away from the body (the lower you go the hard it gets)

• Hold for an inhale

• Engage your core and return to the starting position

• Inhale to prepare

• This time on your exhale engage your core and move the arm and leg out to the side, keeping a bend in the knee

• Inhale and hold

• Exhale and return to the start

• Repeat on other pair up to 12 reps

If you enjoyed working out with me today then please head to my website to find out more about my class, courses and memberships.

Download my six point posture check and improve your alignment today:

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