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Move Better with TRX Training

The TRX suspension trainer is a unique bit of kit which uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously.

The TRX can be used by anyone and is a fun addition to home workouts and personal training.

TRX Training

One to one TRX training from the comfort or your own home/garden or park. Please get in touch with your fitness history and goals and I can look at putting a program together. I also offer training programs in Pilates and TRX for those that would like to workout alone at home.

What is the cost?

£70 per hour for one to one training, I provide the TRX
£65 per hour for one to one training, you provide your own TRX
Pair this with my personal training packages for a fun and effective home workout.

Delivers a fast, effective total-body workout. TRX which stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, is revolutionary workout method that uses your body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability.