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During October half-term I am going to run a Pilates for beginners week, during the week you can join me live every day for a 10 minute Pilates workouts taking you through the basics of Pilates.

Over the five days we shall cover Pilates breathing techniques, proper body position and postural alignment and then start working through the basic Pilates fundamental exercises like The Hundred, Swimming, Swan Dive and Shoulder Bridge.

These are short 10 minute workouts which will help you grasp the basics of Pilates.

Timetable of free live Pilates events:

Monday – Postural set up and breathing 12:00
Tuesday – The basics 16:30
Wednesday – An in depth look at the core 09:00
Thursday – Functional movements 12:00
Friday – 12:00 – A full body approach

A little bit about me, My name is Hannah and I have been practising Pilates for over 12 years. I got into Pilates after a kitesurfing injury left me with two tears in my intervertebral discs, with the help of an amazing physio and Pilates instructor I got back on my feet and back to my other passion of cycling quicker than any medication could help.

Pilates is a super all over body workout for everyone, whatever your fitness level you can take up Pilates and benefit from the health and wellbeing benefits it provides. Unlike other forms of exercise the focus needed for Pilates, to perform the exercises correctly, leads to a special mind and body connection which leaves you feel like you have had a workout but super chilled at the same time.

Come and try a class or two during half term either live with me or catch up later on in the day when it suits you.

To join these workouts please join my free online fitness group for beginners by clicking the link.
